This portal provides information on cancer driver genes identified in tumor models generated by Sleeping Beauty insertional mutagenesis. Here, insertion data generated by 454 Pyrosequencing from both published and unpublished studies have been independently analyzed to identify cancer drivers using a statistical gene-centric approach. The links in the upper right hand corner of this window provide information about the content and interface of this database.
A query for a specific gene in the search bar above will produce a summary of datasets in which the gene is identified as a cancer gene. Transposon data is visualized at the insertion, gene, tumor, and population levels. The sunburst chart below summarizes the organ types (inner ring) and the tumor types (outer ring) represented in the database with the number of samples for each.
Sleeping Beauty insertional mutagenesis uses a transposable element to disrupt gene function. Transposons randomly insert into the mouse genome at TA dinucleotides; considering the distribution of TA sites across the genome, transposons can in principle alter any gene. Transposition is a continual process until an insertion occurs in a locus that confers a selective advantage to cells. Such events are selected and maintained and the accumulation of selected events leads to tumor formation. Transposons contain both a promoter element coupled with a splice donor element and bi-directional splice acceptor sites and poly-A tail. The transposon activates expression of downstream exons using the internal promoter when inserted in-frame and in the sense direction; alternatively, the transposon acts as a gene-trap, disrupting gene expression by randomly inserting along the coding region.
Sleeping Beauty insertional mutagenesis can be controlled in space and time using tissue or lineage-specific Cre inducers and coupled with sensitizing mutation can give rise to specific tumor types.
The SBCDDB consists of insertions from tumors in mice. When insertions are analyzed in primary tumor models, drivers are detected (pie chart, outer ring). When re-analyzed in organ systems, drivers are detected (middle ring). When all tumors are analyzed at once, drivers are detected (inner circle). Tumors have been grouped in various different ways (by transposon type, sensitizing mutation, cre inducer) to highlight genes that are altered across different biological parameters. To view a summary of these the tumor datasets, visit the Dataset page or click on a dataset in the pie chart. To view alleles, visit the Alleles page.